Methods: Field Research, Surveys, Frequency Distributions
Time Period: 3 months
Role: Surveying the clients and using Excel to calculate frequency distributions
Problem:  A local Wegmans was having trouble convincing their consumers to purchase a new organic Greek Yogurt. They noticed that the issue may lie in the confusing display their users were interacting with.
Impact: Advised local Wegmans store to consider increasing Greek Yogurt prices and to position natural Greek Yogurt in an "Organic" section
A local Wegmans was interested in their positioning for a new release of organic Greek Yogurt. They were able to gather a group of participants who were not just passionate Wegman shoppers, but also current consumers of the Greek Yogurt. The store wondered if they should position the yogurt as a healthy snack, a perfect addition to cooking recipes or as a weight loss food. By being able to understand why their consumers purchased the yogurt, they would be better equipped to promote the food to new clients.
Research Methods
This study began by conducting surveys with passionate Wegman shoppers. The participants were offered a chance to win $100 Wegmans gift card. Below, you will find the unbiased questions asked to I asked our participants:
Question 1: Have you purchased Greek Yogurt in the past month?
Question 3: How often do you eat Greek Yogurt each week?
Question 5: At which of the following retailers have you purchased Greek Yogurt in the past 3 months? (Please check all that apply)
I also conducted a hypothesis test to determine the impact gender has on significant attributes. My findings were as follows:
Null Hypothesis: There are no significant differences between the mean attribute importance rating of calorie level, fat level, protein level, and taste respectively between male and female respondents. 
Alternative Hypothesis: There are significant differences between the mean attribute importance rating of calorie level, fat level, protein level, and taste respectively between male and female respondents. 
We gathered the responses to each of the sections of Q6 (calorie level, fat level, protein level, taste) and filtered them by gender. Once that was done we performed a two sample t-test assuming unequal variances between each to find if there was any significant difference between the two means importance rating associated with each gender based on the p-value (0.05).
Since women put significantly more importance on calorie level it is important to stress how light the yogurt is and how it is a perfect snack between meals. Most people use plain Greek yogurt in cooking (based on previous data from deliverable 1) so focusing on caloric values as compared to levels of protein and fat make the yogurt perfect for cooking for your children offering them wholesome nutrition that tastes great because kids won’t eat it if it doesn't taste good (the health benefits do not outweigh the taste factor compared to other items). Making the yogurt seem lighter and a better alternative to other higher calorie/lower protein food items. A majority of the respondents were women so targeting their desires for Greek yogurt can be beneficial.
  However, taste is universally the most important factor for both men and women so emphasizing the ‘bold new flavor’ or other qualities intrinsic to Greek yogurt as compared to competing items.  
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